CHAMPS: A school-wide management approach and the
benefits it offers
Needs Assessment
Marion Elementary has experienced an
increased number of discipline referrals in recent years. Data was presented to
our staff by our campus leaders showing the influx of referrals to be almost
double that of the previous year in just the first semester of school. In
addition to this issue, there is also a lack of continuity among teachers and grade
levels. These issues contribute to a weakened campus climate and at times, can interfere
with student learning.
Objectives and Vision
objective for this project is to create a cohesive staff unit with a positive
campus climate, reduce the number of discipline matters being seen by the
administration, and provide a consistent method for managing behavior
throughout the campus.
of the Literature and Action Research Strategy
Research shows us that
using positive behavior strategies creates a climate where “teachers can teach and all students can learn” (Sprick, 2009.) The decision to enact a campus-wide management plan was
handed down by campus leaders; however, the selection of CHAMPS as that plan
was a collaborative decision by the entire staff. Information on three varying management
approaches was presented to teachers and a vote was cast to determine the plan
best suited for our needs as a campus whole. Safe and Civil Schools states that
using the CHAMPS strategies will reduce classroom disruptions and office
referrals, improve climate, and increase on-task behavior ( Once the decision to use
CHAMPS was made, the staff worked together to create guidelines and procedures
to help us achieve our goals.
Safeandcivilschools. (1999). Retrieved September 16, 2012, from
Sprick, R. (2009). Schoolwide
discipline: Can you make it work?. SEEN Magazine, 11(2), 102.
Articulate the Vision
will be involved in every aspect of the implementation of CHAMPS. They will
receive training on the foundations of what CHAMPS is and will be an integral part
of developing the plan for our specific campus needs. The students and parents will be informed of
the procedures developed by our staff and the importance of their creation.
Throughout the school year, the guidelines and procedures will be revisited in
all classrooms and common areas of the school so that their significance is not
forgotten and so that consistency remains.
Manage the organization
begin the implementation of CHAMPS on our campus teachers will attend professional
development training. Each teacher will receive a text about CHAMPS and teacher
leadership teams will develop campus guidelines and procedures for staff and
students. Campus administration has allocated funds for the staff training,
required texts, and the creation of posters, signs, supplies needed for full
implementation. Staff will provide periodic feedback and we will chart the
changes in discipline referrals. We will continue to monitor student learning
through the use of benchmark assessments.
Manage Operations
Data was presented to our
staff showing the increase of discipline problems being referred to the office over
a two year period. The increase was astounding
and it was agreed that an intervention was needed. This process began with a
presentation of three management systems to see which one would address the
needs of our campus most efficiently. The staff weighed the options and voted
based on the necessities and the outcomes we hoped to achieve. Upon selecting
CHAMPS as our management method, all staff members attended professional development
training to learn about the approach. Leadership teams met to outline the ways
that we could implement this program on our campus. Teachers collaborated to create campus
guidelines and procedures and then shared those with all staff. During the
beginning days of school, students were informed of the set guidelines and
procedures and they will be revisited periodically throughout the school year
so to maintain their importance. As discipline problems arise, teachers and campus
administration have developed a process for handling instances according to the
guidelines put in place.
to Community Interest and Needs
The implementation of this
program will provide consistency among every classroom, whether it is the regular
classroom, special education classroom, or specific need classrooms, such as
ESL or the Student Support Lab. A reduction in behavior instances will result
in improved student learning with less distraction and interruptions. This
improvement is especially beneficial for students at-risk of failing state